Sunday, June 24, 2012

Short Story Review: Betrayal

In case you missed it, I got a Kindle.  The first thing I did upon opening said Kindle and firing it up was head to the Kindle store and download Tim Marquitz' Betrayal, which is a short story set in his awesome Demon Squad world.  The price point (FREE) was perfect and to sweeten the pot even further, there is not one, but two short stories in this package.

The first story, the titular Betrayal, is the perfect bridge between Resurrection and At the Gates. This little story not only fills in the gap between the two novels, but is the first Demon Squad story to feature a point of view not that of Frank Trigg.  In this one, we see events through his angelic cousin, Scarlet, who is fighting for her life as a deadly coup takes place in Heaven.

If you haven't read the first two Demon Squad books, Armageddon, and Resurrection, hold off on this, as it will spoil few key story developments. However, I highly recommend reading this before going on to read At the Gates.  I sure wish I had.  Sure, you can get by without having read it, but it does add a bit of background to the novel and enriches the story.

The second story, the existence of which came as a complete surprise, is titled Prohibition Blues and featured our old pal Frank Trigg.  This story was pretty cool as it is a story from Frank's past when Lucifer and God were still at their respective posts.  The story is set during the prohibition era and is a slick tale that features some of Lucifer and Frank's dealings with the mob, and other various unsavory characters.  It was nice to get an up close and personal look at Frank's past, which for the most part, has only been hinted at, or briefly mentioned thus far in the series.  I enjoyed how Marquitz tied the story in with real life events, which made Hell's influence on Earth, which is a pivotal part of the series,  seem more real and tangible.

Both of the short stories are entertaining and solid reads.  These are a must if you are a fan of the Demon Squad series.  They help flesh out the world and give some important character development, and background.  Great Stuff.

Grade: A-

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